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Home » Idioms Connected with Praise and Criticism
Marry is head and shoulders above the rest of the girls (Used usually for people)
Danny’s miles better than the other boys (Used usually for people)
When it comes to technology, Japan is streets a head of most other countries (Can be used for people or things)
When it comes to Exam Passes, Global Islamic School usually knocks spots off the other schools (Used for people or things)
The food in that restaurant was out of this world (outstanding, usually for things)
Joe is long way above the other kids when it comes to doing hard sums.
This restaurant is much much better than all the other restaurants in town.
You are along way ahead of me in understanding all this new technology; I’m impressed.
Rijal is a dab-hand at playing guitar, just like his father (informal, usually for manual skill)
She is a first-rate/ a top notch administrator
I only like watching first-rate movies
When it comes to grammar, she’s really on the ball (knows a lot)
Rama has a way with all students in the school (good at establishing good relation)
Bunga has green fingers, look at those flowers! (good at gardening)
Let him do the talking; he’s got the gift of the gab (good at talking)
She thinks she’s the cat’s whiskers (thinks she’s wonderful)
He was dressed up like a dog’s dinner (over-dressed in a showy way)
When it comes to time-keeping, I’m the world’s worst (no one is worse)
I’m sorry, this essay of yours is a dog’s breakfast (a mess/ very badly done)
When it comes to unreliability, he really takes the biscuit (most striking example of some negative quality)
I think he’s just trying to butter me up (give false praise in order to get something)
You shouldn’t run down your country when you’re abroad (criticise)
Why do you always have to pick holes in everything I say? (criticise)
She is no good at talking to people at all
She is hopeless (tidak bisa apa-apa)
Mike doesn’t get on with the secretaries
Kelas Digital MisterArie adalah website belajar online terbaik dan terpercaya dalam menyediakan bagi kalian referensi, pengayaan dan bimbingan belajar.