
Compound Adjective

What is Compound Adjective

A compound adjective is an adjective which is made up of two parts and is usually written with a hyphen. e.g. Well-dressed, never-ending, and shocking-pink

Describing Personal Appearance


John was a curly-haired (berambut-keriting), sun-tanned (berkulit-kecoklatan), blue-eyed (bermata-biru), rosy-cheeked (pipi berwarna kemerahan), thin-lipped (berbibir-tipis), broad-shouldered (berbahu-lebar), left-handed (bertangan-kidal), slim-hipped (berpinggang-ramping), long-legged (berkaki-panjang), flat-footed (berkaki-datar), wearing an open-necked shirt (berkemeja-terbuka lehernya), brand-new (sangat-baru), tight-fitting jeans (bercelana-jeans-ketat) and open-toed sandals (bersandal-ruang jari-terbuka).

Describing Personal Character


Melina was absent-minded (forgetful), easy-going (relaxed), good-tempered (cheerful), warm-hearted (kind), and quick-witted (intelligent) if perhaps a little big-headed (pround of her self), two-faced (hypocritical), self-centered (egoistical), and stuck-up (snobbish) at times.

Special Compound Adjective When the Second Part is a Preposition

  1. An all-out (total) strike
  2. A broken-down (it won’t work) bus
  3.  A hard-up (poor) student
  4. A worn-out (can’t be worn) shoes
  5. A drive-in movie (you watch from your car)
  6. A run-down (in poor condition) area
  7. A burnt-out (nothing left in it after a fire) car
  8. A built-up area (lots of buildings in it)
  9. Cast-off clothes (no longer wanted by the owner)
  10. Well-off bankers (wealthy)

Some Useful Compound Adjective

  1. Air-conditioned (provided with air conditioning)
  2. Duty-free
  3. Long-distance
  4. Record-breaking
  5. Sugar-free
  6. Bullet-proof
  7. Hand-made
  8. Long-standing
  9. Remote-controlled
  10. Time-consuming
  11. Cut-price
  12. Interest-free
  13. Off-peak
  14. Second-class
  15. Top-secret
  16. Drip-dry
  17. last-minute
  18. Part-time
  19. So-called
  20. World-famous
  21. Short-sighted
  22. High-heeled
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